Partnership Program

Because DeFi is all about collaboration

We believe that the DeFi space is all about collaboration.

So we have set up a partnership program for projects, in which we join forces to achieve great results.

We do this through 4 types of joint actions:

  1. Rewards Kingdoms (Dividend Pools)

  2. Cross Farming

  3. Vaults

  4. Cross Marketing

Rewards Kingdoms (Dividen Pools)

A reward kingdom is a dividend pool where your token get exposed to our community by a special farming pool.

In that pool, our community get rewarded with your token for a during shorts period of time (days).

This usually works with a token swap of native tokens worth of same value.

Cross Farming

We create a pool with your native pool, and you do the same. This usually goes with 0% deposit fee to increase buying pressure. No selling pressure here.

This way, both tokens are exposed to the other community


We can provide a vault in our platform, to auto-compound your token. The benefit is to get extra exposure of your token.

Cross Marketing

We perform multiple marketing actions: "Ask Me Anything" in our TG channel, Twitter post pinning, and Medium Articles, amongst other iniciatives.

For extra info and success cases please check here:

Last updated